St. Francis House is a Good Place for Veterans to be!

Russell Gill served his country in the Army infantry from 2004 through 2006. An Arkansas native from Dumas, Mr. Gill joined the military at 29 years old. “I just decided that I wanted to do my part, so I enlisted.”

Mr. Gill sustained multiple injuries while serving our country and, as a result, developed a dependence on pain killers. “When I was discharged, that led to a lot of drug use. In 2016, I decided to get help through the VA and had five years sober. I worked a variety of jobs and lived near my parents and my son. “

Mr. Hill’s father died earlier this year, and after talking with his mom and his son, he decided to move to Little Rock. There was a lot more opportunity and support systems for someone in recovery. He worked at the Plaza Mall, but when he lost that job, and began using again. “That led to me losing my place and becoming homeless. I realized pretty quickly that this was not where I wanted to be. I contacted the Veterans Day Treatment Center, and they got me into St. Francis house. I’ve been here a month or so, and it has already ake helped me make a change.”

Mr. Gill has a new job and is back in recovery. “I’m looking for housing and staying clean. I’m staying in my groups, and eventually, once I leave, I’m thinking about finding a church home. My mom and son are proud of me. They know that being away from them is not the easiest thing to do, but it was a life-saving thing to do since this is a deadly addiction.”

Mr. Hill also helps out in a variety of ways when he can. “A local church called and needed a few volunteers, so I said I’d help. I didn’t know what we’d be doing, but it turned out we were helping relocate this family from Afghanistan. It was a great feeling to help with that. I think I’ll visit that church when I leave here. St. Francis House is a good place for Veterans to be. It helps to be around other Vets. We have a bond that other people don’t quite understand. St. Francis house is doing excellent work, and I’m proud of what I’m accomplishing here.”