Giving Time and Talent

5731998533_2dfa2b65ec_zFor the last several months, Mercedes Clements has been helping St. Frances House with the website and new email newsletters. “I worked in information technology for 15 years before deciding to stay home with our kids. Our toddler is starting school next year, so I’ve been looking for opportunities to volunteer.”

She became interested in St. Frances House after meeting Darlene and Phyllis at a Servant Leadership class. Mercedes was hesitant to call for a while, “I was afraid I wouldn’t have enough time, or that I wouldn’t have the experience they needed.”

“I finally decided to setup a visit after taking my son to volunteer serving breakfast to the homeless one morning. He was so nervous about simply serving donuts, and I realized that I was just nervous too.”

Her initial thought was just to spend a few hours a week sorting clothes or doing paperwork, but when Mercedes came for a visit, Darlene asked her to help with the website, newsletter, and setting up a Facebook page. “When I looked at the website, it was designed in the same software I normally use. There was no learning curve. That seemed like a pretty strong sign that this was what I needed to be doing.”

Every other week, Mercedes works with Linda King, Outreach Coordinator, to prepare the stories for publishing. “Linda collects and writes the stories. I post them to the website and Facebook. We work together to assemble the newsletter.”

“I’m really thankful that my experience serves the needs of St. Frances House so well. It never occurred to me that they would have such a specific need that matched my skill.”

For more information on how you can use your time and talents at St. Francis House, please contact Linda King at [email protected].