Sharon is retired and lives alone. She is retired and receives Social Security. She needed a water bill paid; however, St. Francis House was already out of funds for the month. Thanks to a partnership with St. Paul’s UMC, Sharon was able to get the help she needed.

St. Paul’s UMC and Trinity Episcopal Cathedral are two local churches that have recently begun a new type of partnership with St. Francis House. While local churches are often the first place people go for help, churches often lack the resources to determine eligibility for assistance. In these new partnerships, churches retain control of their assistance fund but refer to St. Francis House for the determination of eligibility. Because the funds are separate, the client can receive aid through the church fund, even if St. Francis House is not in a position to help at that time. Further, St. Francis House negotiates on behalf of the client, saving them and the church money. Finally, becoming a St. Francis House client allows the person to access other services that the church may not have.
Sharon was able to avoid her water being shut-off, as well as receive food and clothing when she came in, and St. Paul was able to continue a history of compassionate stewardship knowing that Sharon was receiving the best help available!