Max Kevin Dellinger, a Veteran currently housed at St. Francis House under the VA Homeless Veterans Program, served his country in the United States Navy from 1985 to 1995. Those years took him from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf and the North Atlantic to Japan. In the Navy, he was a boatswain’s mate and is a consummate storyteller who will regale you with stories from his time in the service. After leaving the Navy, he took a job with National Steel and Ship Building in San Diego. He eventually moved to Texarkana, where he worked for Napa Auto parts for five years and afterwards, he took up residential painting.

Life took a turn for the worse when Mr. Dellinger was arrested for on a drug possession charge. He was given probation but violated his probation by not checking in with his probation officer. He received a year in prison but was able to fulfill his sentence in a facility that offered rehabilitation and opportunities for education. “I completed twenty-four hours of college credit and got my SafeServe kitchen certification.”
While he was there, a Veterans representative came to speak with them. “She took our information and kept up with us. When I was getting close to finishing my sentence, she asked if I needed a place to stay and helped me to get accepted at St. Francis House. I got here on June 13th. I’m working on getting all my paperwork together and looking for work. I’ve met with Ralph from re-Integration, and he’s helping me with a resume’.”
“I’m looking forward to getting my life back and being productive again. I started working in the kitchen this morning. Everybody has been great, very supportive, and helpful.” Mr. Dellinger, we are so glad you’re here!