Guy Van Dusen, a Veteran housed at St. Francis House under the , served his country from 1962-1966. he part of the Airforce AirPolice He came to St. Francis House last August. Mr. Van Dusen was working to get his disability benefits and needed a place to stay while he was without income. “The veterans’ Day Treatment Center is wonderful! They do everything they’re able to get you somewhere quickly. When they got me into St. Francis House it was wonderful too. I got my Veterans’ benefits and Disability all sorted out and even earned a little money working in the kitchen here!”
Mr. Van Dusen has now moved to San Antonio to be with his children and grandchildren. “I have two daughters, five grandkids and 2 great grandchildren. They’re spread out all over the country, but both my daughters are in San Antonio.” We’ll miss Mr. van Dusen and we know he’ll miss St. Francis House. “Especially those Veteran dinners!”