LaToya is a single mother of seven, caring for a disabled child full time. Because she cannot work, she receives housing assistance, a utility allotment, food stamps, and even SSI for her child. While that may seem like a lot, only about $900 is in cash or debit card, which has to cover all the utilities, food, and clothing for the entire family.
She takes advantage of food pantries, clothing closets, and other assistance programs when she can get there, but that means finding someone to care for her child or finding a way to take her along safely. Even so, judicious spending and a budget allow her to make ends meet. The last few months, though, she has had to “rob Peter to pay Paul,” and it was the water bill that got short shrift. Luckily, Saint Francis House was here to help. Working with her water company, Social services got the late fees waived, the turn-off delayed, and a payment extension set up and paid half her bill.