Have You Met Our Community Partners?

Have you met our community food partners? Without their help and generosity, we would have far less food for all our clients, from unsheltered to Veterans!

One of our newest partners is Chick-Fil-A. Both the Broadway and Chenal locations donate to St. Francis House four times a week! Fried chicken or chicken tenders make great food items for our food pantry clients and the sandwiches are perfect for our snack bags we give out to our unsheltered neighbors!

Potluck Food Rescue not only keeps food from going in the landfill, but they are also a huge help for many non-profits like St. Francis House! 

The Kroger on Markham has been a long-standing donor! Items from the bakery make a delicious treat for all our clients and deli items like meat, cheese and sandwiches are great for those who have no access to cooking. 

Who doesn’t love the breads, cookies and other delicious foods from Panera? We pick up donations from them weekly!

Whole Foods donates items twice a week. Thanks to them we even have special food items for our vegetarian clients!

Performance Food Service is a commercial food distributor here in Little Rock. They deliver donations several times a month!


So how do all these donations get to St. Francis House? Some are delivered, some we pick up and others, like Kroger and Whole Foods are picked up for us by the Bread Brigade, a group of volunteers from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, that pick up donations every day, rain or shine, and deliver them right to our door!