Keeping Families Together

Mr. J has been on VA disability since leaving the service. He and his fourteen-year-old daughter had a nice place to live, and she was happy and doing well in school. But last August, when the VA told him they had been overpaying his disability, and began taking out money every month., his income dropped to far less than what it had been. Then, because he had spent money out of the overpayment, he was charged with fraud. Now court and legal fees were adding to his financial difficulties.  He got behind on his rent and they were about to evict him. 

“He called SSVF, and we began the process of paying his back rent. Another agency was supposed to pay pet fees and late fees, but when that fell through, it looked like he would be evicted. He would be split up from his daughter who would go live with friends, and he would go to a shelter until housing could be found. Luckily, we knew a local landlord who had worked with us before and had apartments. He and his daughter are now in housing and as of March 1st, Mr. J is receiving his full VA disability benefit. He has also found a job to supplement his income. I’m so glad we could keep the family together!” -Tameka