Our Newest Phoenix House Volunteers!

Trolanda Peel is a brand new volunteer from Phoenix House. “I’ve only been at Phoenix House a week and I’ll be volunteering whenever I can. St. Francis House provides us with work experience and let’s us give back at the same time. And we can get help here too. They got my prescriptions for me since I don’t have any resources yet.”

Maria Scott is a regular volunteer at St. House. “I was five years in prison and I came to Phoenix House March 4th. I have a weekend job and I volunteer here during the week. I believe in learning from your mistakes. I know you can fix yourself if you open your eyes and do what needs to be done.”

And we have four more new Phoenix House additions (one not pictured) Welcome to St. Francis House; we are proud to be a part of your new journey!

                                                                                                                        June 2024 volunteers!