Stories from the Staff- Working Together

KV came in for her bus pass and snack bags. She is disabled and also has a drug history. She is now in recovery thanks to  five months at The Compassion Center . “I’m living in a sober living house right now. My three kids are living with my mom. But I have a job interview today and I hope that soon I’ll be able to take care of them. The bus pass will get me to my interview, the snacks will keep me from being hungry and I got clothes to wear to the interview from the clothing room!” 

LW is another one of our shelter clients. She is in the program at Our House after being released from prison for felony charges. “But I’m looking for work and ready to change my life for the better. Programs like Our House and St. Francis House will help me do that.” 

SI was living unsheltered until very recently. “I got a bus pass referral from Jericho Way (DePaul USA) and came here. But I hadn’t thought to ask anyone about shelter programs. I talked with Miss Christina.  She gave me the names of several programs  and I went straight over to the nearest one. I’m in their program now and not on the street.”