Embrace What God Gives You!

Gary Clowers grew up in Nashville, Arkansas and joined the Army after High School. He served in the infantry from 2011-2013. “After the Army I tried a lot of different things.  I went to college for nursing and mathematics, but I had to get a job to help my parents. I worked construction, did masonry, welding, bricklaying, finishing work. But I got in some trouble and had to build my life over. I was almost back on my feet with a full time job and I was trying to find my own place instead pf living with my folks. We live out in the country and we didn’t have any hot water so  I went down to the lake instead.  I had a machete with me to clear a path and some people saw me. They thought I looked scary and called the police. I had some pot in my pocket and they found it. I went to jail and when I finished my time, I was discharged to St. Francis House.”

Mr. Clovis is currently working with SSVF to find housing and trying to find employment “that matches my skills.” He is a Veteran representative for St. Francis House and his positive attitude is a gift to all around him. “I have learned that life is precious and we have to be grateful for what God gives us. If we focus on the prize and be patient, we’ll see that there are beneficial areas wherever we are. Embrace what God gives you and let it prosper you.”