I’m Ready to Get Back on My Own

“KI” joined the Army in 1978 and served until 1985. He was in high school when he enlisted and was stationed in Kansas in military intelligence throughout his time of service. 

After the military, he worked in the textile industry and as a carpenter/ contractor building houses. He came to Arkansas because he has family in the area. “I’ve been on my own since I was twenty years old, and I was doing well with a good income. But I got into it with someone and ended up in prison. The other person didn’t even get charged.  I paroled to St. Francis House.”

KI has been at St. Francis house since the beginning of June. He is retired and is looking for a place here through HUD/VASH program. “I’ve started things rolling; I’ve done my paperwork for food stamps, gotten my background checks and started working with SSVF. I want to stay in this area; home would not be a good place for me. But I’m ready to get back on my own and St. Francis House is helping me do that. Honestly, the whole thing is great; I’d recommend it to any Veteran that needs the help.”