St. Francis House is blessed to have many wonderful staff, but sometimes there is that one who is more than an employee. They embody the values of the agency and are, in effect, apart of its heart and soul. Garry Clemmons is one of those people.
Garry first came to St. Francis House not as a staff member, but as a resident. His first time through the program, he struggled. “I wasn’t ready for sobriety. When I left I had a job, a place to live and money…and I relapsed. “But when Garry came back in 2003, he put his all into getting things right and that’s the man who has been such a joy to his fellow staff members, a rock and guiding hand to his fellow Veterans and an inspiration to so many.
He completed his program and began volunteering, then working part-time and finally full-time as a mental health technician. Darlene Bourgeois was the Executive Director at the time. “After he started full time he quickly became the go-to person on the second shift. The Veterans Administration sent in a person to train him to facilitate peer to peer groups that we titled “Special Needs” group The group was for Chronically Homeless residents. I never worried when Garry was on shift. He knows the mindset of the Veterans and what was expected.”
A few statements from staff and Veterans:
- “Garry is one of those people that always has an encouraging word and a smile when you need it”
- “I’ve never heard Garry speak ill of anyone, but he also has a way of cutting to the chase and being real.”
- “If you have problem, Garry will help you find an answer”
- “He understands us because he has been there. He never gives up on you, but he doesn’t cut you any slack either.”
- “Garry is my shoulder to cry on when things go sideways.”
Garry is also loved by St. Francis House friends and supporters. From helping with donations to being a smiling face at Veteran dinners, he represents the mission of St. Francis House to the community.
Garry left St. Francis House for a well-deserved retirement after over twenty years of service. His lovely wife, Essie, says she has a list of honey-do’s and we’re sure in typical Garry fashion, they will done with style and grace. We will miss you Garry; your shoes will be hard to fill!