Army Veteran CD* had no income. He was in arrears on his rent and was at risk of becoming homeless. He began working with SSVF to obtain his social security benefits and get in affordable, permanent housing. “He lost his sister during the holidays which set him back, but he still achieved his goals” said his caseworker, “and now that he has his Social Security and we helped him get caught up, he can make it on his own.”
Marine Corps Veteran AB* was housed when he came to SSVF, but facing eviction. He was behind on his rent due to medical issues. He had been without gas since 2023 because of a large back bill as well. SSVF helped him get caught up on his bills and covered his rent through March. “We also helped him with food and now that everything is caught up and he is on disability, his living expenses are doable.”
*Initials are changed and SSVF location not given to protect the privacy of our clients.