Kara comes every month to St. Francis House and has for several years. She is a 34-year-old, single mother of five. She worked hard to support her children, currently ages 4, 9, 10,11 and 15, but after an illness several years ago, she was left disabled and unable to work. Her disability check covers the house payment and the bills but leaves little left over for food and clothing. That’s why she’s a monthly client at St. Francis House. St. Francis House also provided Christmas for the family this year, and Kara says they wouldn’t make it without the monthly food and clothing help. Since her health is not expected to improve, Kara will probably continue to need assistance. While we rejoice with our clients who are able to make their way out of poverty, here at St. Francis House we understand that for many, that’s not possible. We’re glad we can continue to provide the help they need!