Saturday Morning Fun-draising!

Thank you to our Hot Springs Village VFW for their time and effort on behalf of St. Francis House. These awesome gentlemen spent their Saturday morning outside of Walmart taking …

A Great Way to Celebrate Fall!

Veterans at St. Francis House stepped into fall with a wonderful dinner at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. As always the food was delicious, the music and conversation were delightful, and …

Our Knights in Shining Armor

That would be the Hot Springs Village Knights of Columbus of course! Once more they provided an evening of fun and great food for our Veterans at St. Francis House. …

Subway Saturday!

It was a Subway Sandwich Saturday with our friends from the Hot Springs Village VFW! Food and conversation on a rainy day- perfect!  

Please Be Seated!

Thank you Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and the Matthew 25 committee for the beautiful new chairs for our Social Services waiting room! Now our clients can sit in style!

A Convention of Caring!

Our thanks to the youth, parents, and sponsors from the Freewill Baptist Convention Vertical Three Ministries who donated their time at St. Francis House. We were blessed with hard-working volunteers …