Taking Care of the Caregiver

Kimberly Williams served her country as a Navy aviation technician from 1980-1983. “I pretty much grew up in Florida. My parents divorced when I was three, and my brother, who …

Helping Keep the Water on!

LaToya is a single mother of seven, caring for a disabled child full time. Because she cannot work,  she receives housing assistance, a utility allotment, food stamps, and even SSI …

I Just Want to be OK

Native Arkansan Katrina Schwab served her country from 1996 to 1999 as a fueler in the Army. Upon leaving full-time service, she joined the reserves and served as administrative support …

Unexpected Expenses are Tough

Janet is 61 years old. She lives in North Little Rock and gets by on food stamps and supplemental security income. And even though she is careful, that barely covers …

So Many People Have Helped Me

Marine Corps Veterans Bobby Lytle joined the service at just seventeen after getting his GED. He enlisted an Arkansas native in 1976 but received a medical discharge in 1977 for …

Social Services Gets a Facelift!

Check out the new awning, concrete, and benches in front of our Social Services Department! Now our clients will have shade, cover, and a place to sit while waiting, and volunteers …

Just a Little Short

John had just moved into his new apartment. The seventy-year-old Veteran on VA disability and Social security had never had a problem paying bills before. However, moving is expensive, and …

“Can You Help Me Get Home?”

When we met Kevin Sharpe, he had just walked from a local hospital to St. Francis House looking for a way back home. Mr. Sharp, from West Memphis, Arkansas, had …