St. Francis House is a Good Place to be!

Gary Stephens, a Veteran currently housed at St. Francis House under the VA Homeless Veterans Program,  served as an Army motor transport operator in Fort Stewart Georgia. After his service, …

Helping Out With Christmas

Tanya is a thirty-four-year-old single mother of five. She has been a St. Francis House client for a while, and we know her and the children well. Like all parents, …

Starting Over and Enjoying Life

Ervin Powell served his country from 1971 to 1978 as an aviation maintenance administrator in the Navy including a deployment in Viet Nam.   He grew up in northern Florida and …

One Accident Can Make the Difference

Mr. Johnson is a long –time resident of Little Rock and an occasional client of St. Francis House. Eighty years young, he owns his own home and still lives independently. …

Unforeseen Consequences

Alex is in his mid-thirties and a new client at St. Francis House. He moved here a little over a year ago to be near his father and quickly got …

Family Matters

When you look at these beautiful smiles, it’s hard to believe that just a short time ago they were living rough and sleeping wherever they could. Anthony Pointer served his …

Three Generations

Most people Mrs. Lindale’s age look forward to enjoying their retirement and playing with their grandchildren, not raising and supporting them. However, when family needs you, you step up! Mrs. …