Working with Local Churches

The local church is often the first place people turn to in hard times, and St. Francis House is often the place those churches turn to when a congregant needs …

Caring for a Child

Anyone who has cared for a child knows it is the most wonderful and most demanding thing someone will do. The demands are even tougher if one of those children …

Timing Can Be Crucial

Samantha and her fiancé have three lovely children, ages two, one, and three months. Normally this would be a happy time for the family, but sometimes a small problem in …

Tiny Baby Needs Big Help

Ella was not planning on a new baby for a while yet, so after being laid-off from work, she jumped onto the opportunity to receive training to help her land …

“It’s Cooler in the Car”

Mr. Johnson is a proud and fiercely independent man. 79 years old, he doesn’t ask for help or take charity. That’s why we’ve never actually met him at St. Francis …

Accidents Happen

Marianne and David have been married for years. David has now retired; Marianne is a full-time salesperson in a commission only position. St. Francis House helps David pay for his …

When Home is Not Safe

Sarah was so excited when her fiance wanted her to move from Milwaukee to Little Rock to be with him.  A new place, wedding plans – it was going to …

Going Above and Beyond

Gordon McGough served in the Army from 1983-1989 in communications intelligence. He was deployed out of Ft. Bragg and served in combat areas during his deployment. After the military, he …

It’s a Wonderful Life

Robin Harris knows life from both sides. A Navy Veteran serving as a boiler technician from 1985-1989, he’s no stranger to hard work and discipline. After leaving the service, he …