“I Want to be There for Her”

Army Veteran Willie Clark Jr. served his country from 2005 until 2011.  He was born and raised in Rosston Arkansas. “I worked for Tyson Foods after graduation, but after a …

Helping a Friend

Mr. “Martin” came to Community Outreach looking for a coat. But he didn’t come looking for himself; he came looking for a friend. Mr. Martin has befriended a homeless gentleman …

Let’s Go Clothes Shopping!

“Shelby” is a widowed mother of four. She works full-time, but keeping up with all the expenses can be tough. As costs rise higher, she had to prioritize, and as …

No Requirements Except to Progress

Air Force Veteran Ronald Alexander served his country from 1978-1979. “I joined up at seventeen and I was aircrew life support. I installed survival equipment like O2 masks and helmets …

Keeping the Lights On

You come home after work, it’s dark, you flip a switch and there’s light!! But not if you can’t pay your electric bill. Annette has recently been diagnosed with cancer. …

Everyone Might Need a Little Help

Army Veteran Earl Hance served his country from 1978 to 1993. Mr. Hance says he “grew up all over”. “My father was in construction so we followed the jobs, but …

For Want of a Car…

You’ve heard the saying that starts “For want of a nail”.  Perhaps the modern-day equivalent could be “for want of a car”.  Single mom, “Sharonda”, would tell you so. After …